Traffic Citation(s) are big Business

Traffic Citation(s) are big Business for Exploiting the Poor! It’s Documented now!! I’m not paying tickets anymore, it’s a fact, local magistrates and cops have no credibility to make moral decisions!  If you losers need bread so badly, just ask! Stop being d*cks, thinking you’re above the law!! Benefits of AI-Driven Traffic Enforcement:

Law Enforcement is a business

Law Enforcement is a business of thieving with guns! You heard it straight from the source! This is beyond a Quota, this is a game to them! These public officials are arrogant, & need to be behind bars!!! In 2009, officers were told it was mandatory to make four stops a day and issue two… Continue reading Law Enforcement is a business

Police Dash Cam Abuse!

Police Dash Cam Abuse! – Via FORBES Magazine!! Benefits of AI-Driven Traffic Enforcement: