Law Enforcement is a business

Law Enforcement is a business of thieving with guns!

You heard it straight from the source!

This is beyond a Quota, this is a game to them! These public officials are arrogant, & need to be behind bars!!!

In 2009, officers were told it was mandatory to make four stops a day and issue two tickets, he said.

A year and 1/2 later, officers were told to include commercial vehicles, which generates on average a $1,000 dollars in violations, and make more arrests, which can rack up hefty court fines.

(Where did the money go?)

“The command pressures people to do things, as far as creating numbers and they reward you accordingly by not pulling your tapes, by giving you *special assignments, things of that nature,” said Corbett.

*Special assignments? As in Gangstalking?? SMH

Checkout the Michigan Lawsuit here! ⤵⤵ ⤵ 

Law Enforcement is a business
Law Enforcement is a business
Law Enforcement is a business
Law Enforcement is a business

Benefits of AI-Driven Traffic Enforcement:

  1. Reduced Bias: AI systems can be designed to treat all drivers equally and not be influenced by factors like race, gender, or appearance, reducing the potential for biased enforcement.
  2. Consistency: Automated enforcement ensures that all infractions are treated consistently, eliminating the possibility of selective or erratic enforcement by individual officers.
  3. Less Confrontation: With AI handling minor traffic violations, there is no direct interaction between law enforcement and the driver during traffic stops, potentially reducing confrontations and misunderstandings.


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