Fine of the Times!

Fine of the Times! Cops bleed the state, & you Pay for it!

Look! The writing is on the wall! I’m not a conspirator. You guys are just fvcking morons!! Stop paying traffic tickets.. It’s a scam!! Why would you just hand money over to these paper gangster boneheads? They don’t need the money, look at the conditions you live in, & then go visit their homes in Bloomfield Hills.

Fine of the Times!
Fine of the Times!
Fine of the Times!
Fine of the Times! Cops bleed the state, & you Pay for it!
Cops Are Losers

Benefits of AI-Driven Traffic Enforcement:

  1. Reduced Bias: AI systems can be designed to treat all drivers equally and not be influenced by factors like race, gender, or appearance, reducing the potential for biased enforcement.
  2. Consistency: Automated enforcement ensures that all infractions are treated consistently, eliminating the possibility of selective or erratic enforcement by individual officers.
  3. Less Confrontation: With AI handling minor traffic violations, there is no direct interaction between law enforcement and the driver during traffic stops, potentially reducing confrontations and misunderstandings.


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