Hold Law Enforcement Accountable

Hold Law Enforcement Accountable: Require Officers to Purchase Personal Insurance https://chng.it/PxsbtMHdGf << Sign the Petition! Why this petition matters I, as the creator of this petition, am tired of being pulled over and ticketed for no apparent reason, with no means to defend myself. This personal experience has motivated me to take action and demand… Continue reading Hold Law Enforcement Accountable

Free Press No more!

Local Cops are reaching the point of going after newspaper companies who have been in business for years. They are becoming too powerful of a mafia gang. Newly released footage of 98-year-old Kansas newspaper owner, Joan Meyer, shows her home being raided by police and the property of her newspaper, Marion County Record, seized by… Continue reading Free Press No more!

Cops chokes child on ground.

Cops chokes child on ground. Cops say they trying to improve PR, meanwhile, choking kids on the ground. A Baton Rouge cop chokes a 13 year old kid that was playing basketball in an epic case of Mistaken Identity while ignoring the desperate please from his family… Choking kids on the ground is not the… Continue reading Cops chokes child on ground.

Garbage day not safe anymore!

Garbage day not safe anymore! – In America, especially for the youth! Make sure to supervise your children doing their chores, psycho cops might try to kill them. Who do you call, when the #POLICE are the problem? Why don’t those cops look for a REAL criminal who’s killing or raping, or ripping-off people? It’s… Continue reading Garbage day not safe anymore!

They all quit!

They all quit! – The day the terrorists quit their jobs and defunded themselves. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/zero-applicants-zero-prospects-entire-police-force-quits-minnesota-town More of this please! I say pressure them so hard in every aspect of life that they all resign Nationally. Most importantly, keep spreading truth about their lack of moral character. Years and years of Hollywood copaganda seems to be… Continue reading They all quit!

Woman arrested for buying flowers

Woman arrested for buying flowers, look how evil and lawless cops have become! “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” Anyone who backs the Blue shows contempt for the poor and God. If this is you? Please stop going to church please and… Continue reading Woman arrested for buying flowers

GPS Trackers on Activists Car

GPS Trackers on Activists Car – On Monday August 1st, Michigan activist Peatmoss found 2 GPS tracking devises attached with powerful magnets to the rear axle of their car, see pictures here. This happened after Peatmoss spent a week hanging out with friends at the Camp Gayling Week of Action against the Camp Grayling national… Continue reading GPS Trackers on Activists Car

police overreach and misconduct

police overreach and misconduct … officer Riley of Southfield Michigan … Watch on @YouTube Oh, wow! God bless this couple for posting this! He did me wrong, too!!! He needs to be fired asap!! #SouthfieldPolice #PoliceMisconduct https://www.lawenforcementinsight.com/ Using AI to replace traffic stops for minor infractions is a concept that has been explored as a… Continue reading police overreach and misconduct